Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Language Processing Disorder: How will it affect your child's life.

Language processing disorder to many, if not most, is simply a case of speech delay. Nothing more nothing less. Here in the Philippines and I guess in most parts of the world, older people do not recognize speech delay as a disorder. For them, sooner the child will eventually learn to speak. This could be true to some kids, but not to everyone.

Language processing disorder is an emotionally and cognitively debilitating disorder which greatly affects a child’s life. Without therapy intervention, the child might not be able to outgrow the disorder. 

With LPD, verbal message processing becomes difficult which leads to inability of communicating properly. Studying becomes a struggle, and school becomes a battleground. Because the child’s brain cannot process words, learning, either through formal education or through everyday situations, becomes very hard. From cildhood, this may continue through adulthood. Imagine how this child will fit in this world?

Language processing disorder can be mild, moderately severe, and severe. For the mild cases, with therapy intervention and support of the parents, recovery is 100%. The child will eventually learn to talk earlier than expected to LPD cases. He will be able to cope up and be at par with kids his age. School will not be a struggle and academic achievements can be expected.

For the moderately severe cases, the child’s progress will be slower. They will learn to talk later than those with the mild case, and longer therapy intervention will be needed. Pre-school will not be easy. A possible struggle on focus and attention span may arise. It would be most likely that the child will be a little behind in the class. Sped school may be a better option, though not necessary.

There is one thing parents should always remember, mild cases of LPD may fall into moderately severe cases if parents will not follow up the therapy of the child at home. Parent support and patience is crucial.

As for the severe cases, enduring patience of the parents will be needed. Progress will be a lot slower. Therapy will take longer, and school will be a lot more of a struggle for the child. Children of this case are recommended to attend SPED school. Regular school is not advisable because it will not do well for the child. Focus and attention will definitely be a problem for these children. Expect them to be restless and really hyperactive. In some instances, along with their speech delay, some motor activities also may become late. Like walking, and for pre-school, learning to write.

Language processing disorder is something that, regardless of the severity of its case, must be taken seriously by the parents. Early decision of parents on how they will respond on their child’s case will greatly affect not only their child’s development, but most importantly his future.

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1 comment:

Jane said...

Thank you for this entry. I appreciate how you differentiate the different levels of this disorder. From your descriptions, I believe my son has a mild to moderately severe case of LPD, and that is a relief and gives me hope that there is a chance that my son can recover 100% or at least can live a completely normal life in the near future. I really admire that you took the time to write this because I think it is selfless of you. You don't have to do it and it's not like you are getting a lot of feedback so what real motivation do you have to do this except for the possibility of helping another mother out who may have questions regarding this disorder? Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this information is helping me deal with all of this, as I am a mother who recently discovered that her toddler has LPD and is still in the process of digesting the news.