Saturday, April 26, 2008


Specific learning Disabilities, Language Processing Disorder, most probably  you are not familiar with these, let me explain according to experience...

Normally babies start talking at 18 months. As they reach their 24th month, they should at least could say 3-word phrases, and could verbally express their wants well. But when your child is 2 years old and could say words not more than 30, could not express his wants verbally, then most likely your child has Language Processing Disorder.

There are some children that no matter what you do, they could not learn one specific thing. For example, a child may be very good in language and comprehension, arts and music, but when it comes to numbers, he's having difficulties learning. This is the case of Specific Learning Disabilities.

SLD and LPD are disabilities that could leave children handicapped in life. But with proper and early intervention, and at the same time, awareness and understanding of parents, children with these situations would be able to cope up and eventually live a normal life.

***SLD and LPD are not the same with and in no way could be compared to mental retardation and autism.

Expect to read everything a parent needs to know about these disabilities and how they could help their kids from this page in days to come....

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1 comment:

mommy_sheila said...

Your story is inspirational. After reading your blog, it make my hopes higher fro my daughter who was diagnosed to have Mixed Receptive and Expressive Language Delay with concomitant behavioral concerns. I have also created a blog to document all her activities and our experience with her OT and SPED teacher. I hope my site will inspire and help other parents too. This is my blog Feel free to visit it: